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How To Stay True to Yourself as an Author

Maintaining your creative independence and avoiding undue influence from others is crucial for developing a distinct voice and style in your writing. Here are some strategies to help you safeguard your creative autonomy:

1. **Establish Clear Boundaries:**

- Clearly define your creative space and set boundaries. Let others know when you're in your writing zone, and communicate the importance of uninterrupted time during the creative process.

2. **Limit Early Sharing:**

- Avoid sharing your work in its early stages, especially if you're still exploring ideas. Premature feedback can lead to external influence before you've fully developed your own vision.

3. **Trust Your Instincts:**

- Trust your creative instincts and intuition. If a particular direction feels right to you, explore it without being overly influenced by external opinions or expectations.

4. **Selective Feedback:**

- When seeking feedback, be selective about who you share your work with. Choose individuals who understand your creative vision and provide constructive criticism rather than imposing their preferences.

5. **Set Writing Goals:**

- Establish specific writing goals and stay focused on achieving them. Having a clear sense of purpose can help you resist distractions or external pressures that may divert you from your original intentions.

6. **Create Alone, Edit Collaboratively:**

- During the initial stages of creation, consider working alone to allow your ideas to develop organically. Collaboration can come later during the editing and refinement process.

7. **Limit External Comparisons:**

- Avoid constant comparisons with other writers or works. While it's valuable to be aware of trends and literary developments, excessive comparison can hinder your unique creative expression.

8. **Cultivate Confidence:**

- Develop confidence in your own voice and style. Recognize that your perspective is valuable, and don't let self-doubt or external opinions undermine your creative confidence.

9. **Stay True to Your Vision:**

- Remind yourself of the core vision and message you want to convey in your writing. Use this as a guiding principle to help you stay true to your original intent.

10. **Regular Reflection:**

- Take time to reflect on your creative process. Understand what elements of your work are truly reflective of your voice and what might have been influenced by external factors.

11. **Seek Inspiration, Not Imitation:**

- Draw inspiration from various sources, but be mindful not to imitate. Incorporate diverse influences into your work while maintaining the authenticity of your own voice.

12. **Periods of Solitude:**

- Allow yourself periods of solitude for focused, undisturbed writing. This can be essential for tapping into your inner creativity without external pressures.

13. **Set Aside External Expectations:**

- Release yourself from external expectations, whether they come from peers, readers, or the industry. Prioritize your artistic vision over conforming to external pressures.

14. **Protect Creative Time:**

- Guard your creative time fiercely. Whether it's a specific time of day or a designated writing space, protect these aspects of your routine to maintain focus and minimize external interference.

15. **Embrace Revision with Intent:**

- While revision is crucial, approach it with the intention of refining and strengthening your unique voice, rather than conforming to external expectations.

Remember that the creative process is inherently personal, and finding your own voice requires a balance between openness to inspiration and the protection of your creative autonomy. Trust in your abilities and let your unique perspective shine through in your writing.

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